Photo By D J Norton

Trams and Buses - Stratford Road

Click here for detailed notes about these pictures

Note that many pictures have modern equivalents - move cursor over each picture to check

725 Camp Hill - 4/7/53

Tram 725 Camp Hill
This picture was taken at the junction of Bradford Street and Camp Hill.

Revisting this location for the modern view was rather depressing.  Camp Hill was diverted many years ago and this section of road is now a cul-de-sac called Old Camp Hill.  All the buildings except the church, which dates back to 1823, have gone and it now looks forlorn, abandoned on the hill.

608 Stratford Rd - 4/7/53

Tram 608 Stratford Road
The building in the background was King Edward's Camp Hill Grammar school.  I'm pleased to say it's still standing and is now the Bordesley Centre.  Check out my wacky wide-angle panorama of this building today!

705 Stratford Road - 4/7/53

Tram 705 Stratford Road
The pub is on the corner of Stratford Road and Henley Street was The Shakespeare.

679 Kyotts Lake Road - 4/7/53

Tram 679 Kyotts Lake Road
Look at the crowds here!  Also, notice people hanging on to the tram - their last opportunity to ride a tram in Birmingham.

This tram is on the way to the Kyotts Lake Road Depot where it was to be broken up along with all the trams pictured above.

The chap looking out of the window in the upper-right is sat in The Black Horse Inn which was built in 1880.
